Sun Shine Literature

Teaching Simple Past Tense by Using Calendar as The Media for Students of Senior High School in Eleventh grade

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1.     Learners characteristics

Most high school students have reached the stage of formal operations, as described by Piaget. These students can think abstractly and need less concrete examples to understand complex thought patterns. Overall, Senior High School students have some characteristics related to their cognitive development and social development.

 Cognitive Development High School:
·   Need to understand the purpose and relevance of instructional activities
·   They are both internally and externally motivated
·   Has self-imposed cognitive barriers due to years of school failure and lack of confidence
·   You can have "Shut Down" in some cognitive areas and have to learn to learn and overcome these barriers to learning
·   They hope to establish short and long term personal goals
·   They want to take individual responsibility for learning and progress towards targets
High School Social Development:
Ø Interested in learning activities
Ø The desire for adult leadership roles and autonomy in planning
Ø The adults want to take a supporting role, mainly in education
Ø The development of community awareness
Ø They need opportunities for self-expression

2.      State Objective
1)      Standard competence
Understand about Tenses especially Simple Past Tense and the time signal of it. So the students know the usage of simple past tense to interact with others.
2)      Basic competence
Response to the teacher’s instruction, the students be able to tell what did they do in the past, they also can mention the time signal of simple past tense.
3)      Indicator
-       Response to the teacher’s instruction
-       Make sentences by using simple past tense
-       Tell about their activity in the past

3.      Select, modify, and design
The students of Senior High School are usually called adult learners. Adults are autonomous and self-directed. They need to be free to direct themselves. Their teachers must actively involve adult participants in the learning process and serve as facilitators for them. Specifically, they must get participants' perspectives about what topics to cover and let them work on projects that reflect their interests. They should allow the participants to assume responsibility for presentations and group leadership. They have to be sure to act as facilitators, guiding participants to their own knowledge rather than supplying them with facts. Finally, they must show participants how the class will help them reach their goals (e.g., via a personal goals sheet). By using calendar as the media, it will make the students more interest in process of learning. It also made the students easier to understand about the usage and time signal of simple past tense. Unconsciously they will memorize the pattern of simple past tense from the sentences that they made. This material is easy to be found.

4.      Utilitize The Media
Steps of teaching simple past tense by using calendar as the media:
a.       Pre Activity
§  The teacher opens the class by greeting
§  Show the calendar to the students first, it will raise their encourage and their interest
b.      Whilst activity
§   Ask to the student what date is today or what day is today
§  Choose day or date randomly before the date today
§  Ask the student what did they do in that time
§  Student has to add the time signal, in the first of sentence or the end of sentence
§  The teacher asks the student with the same question regularly
§  Make a group consist of two or three students
§  Recommend them to do same activity with their friends in group
§  Representative of the group come forward and tell to the other groups what his/her friend did.
§  While the representative is telling what his/her friend did, the teacher writes the sentences that they made
c.       Post Activity
§  At the last of activity the teacher make conclusion of the activity and explains the material today, it is simple past tense. The patterns, usage, and time signal of it.
§  Closing

5.      Language prompt
ü  What did you do in…?
ü  I…(verb2)
ü  I was…

6.      Interaction
v  Student and student
v  Teacher and student
v  Student and teacher