Sun Shine Literature


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The meaning of Invitation:
a) Invitation is the act of inviting.
b) Invitation is solicitation.
c) Invitation is the requesting of a person's company.
d) Invitation is as an invitation to a party, to a dinner, or to visit a friend.
A document written or printed, or spoken words, /onveying the message by which one is invited.
e) Invitation is an inviting to come somewhere or do something.
f) Invitation is the message or note used in inviting.
g) Invitation is a spoken or written request for someone's presence or participation.
h) Invitation is an allurement, enticement, or attraction.

Definition of Invitation :
1. A request (spoken or written) to participate or be present or take part in something
2. A tempting allurement
3. The act of inviting; solicitation; the requesting of a person's company; as, an invitation to a party, to a dinner, or to visit a friend.

The function of invitation is to ask some one to go to a place or to do something.
We usually use the “invitation” in our daily life, for example if we want to hold an event like a birthday party . We use the invitaion and if we want some one to do something , like if we want our friend to help us. We use the invitation too.
There are 2 types of Invitation:
a. Invitation Formal:
Formal Invitation is the official invitation usually written reply came from such institutions and companies etc.
b. Invitation Informal:
Informal invitation is not an official invitation written or oral and this invitation is usually given to friends, family and others

In writing an invitation keep the following points:
·                     The name of the person sponsoring the event (who is the host/hostess?).
·                     Exactly who is invited (can someone bring a guest, spouse, child?).
·                     What type of social event is being held.
·                     The date, address, and time of the event.
·                     Directions or a simple map if the location may be difficult to find.
·                     What type of dress is appropriate or preferred.